Category Archives: Uncategorized

October 2024 Updates!

October 18, 2024, API’s added to manage webhoooks they include addwebhook, deletewebhook and getwebhooks.
October 17, 2024, SMS/P2P SMS API added, along with webhooks.API currently handles lists, sending single sms/mms, fetching replies, unsubscribes, finding/buying, 10 DLC workflow
October 10, 2024, List Verification added option to verify a small manually entered list and a single email address quickly in addition to the normal upload list option.
October 9, 2024, List Stats button now added inside list verify to give breakdown of top domains. Added number of items to be deleted when filtering or searching inside a list then delete filtered results.
October 6, 2024, List Conditions/Segments improved on create/edit campaign. They can now be saved and loaded which makes it easier to use on your campaigns.
October 5, 2024, On campaign level there is now an option to disable click tracking instead doing on a message level.
October 4, 2024, Webhooks now have the option to pass back the full list entry which includes all the data columns in the list. You must check the option when creating the webhook to include that data.
Mail Box Full is now considered a hard bounce and not sent to again.

End of Sumner September 2024 Updates

September 17, 2024, New custom emails per hour setting under advanced settings. You can set your own custom hourly sending amount ranges from 60 to 90000.

API update getallopens, getallclicks, getopenlog and getclicklog how have user agents, plus the full original user agent.
September 8, 2024, New tracking pixel used in email marketing. We have made some updates to help improve with gmail and other isps. We now use a horizontal bar image above the CAN SPAM footer as the tracking pixel. We use a gif filename and makes it less obvious it is a pixel and is larger that the standard 1×1 pixel.

Improvements also to pausing/resuming campaign logic with custom list conditions,start/end indexes.

For SMTP API tracking pixel and list-unsubscribe headers will be https if the domain supports https.
September 6, 2024, Added option in email marketing to export emails as sha256 when exporting a list. Also under manage columns you can now add a sha256 column to the list. This data format is sometimes used for retargeting or suppression lists.
August 31, 2024, Added Tenor animated gifs search option in the standard message editor. We are phasing out Giphy due to increased licensing costs.
July 22, 2024, You can now view DMARC Reports under System Settings -> Reputation Central -> DMARC Reports.
Will detail out the reporting Organization and SPF,DKIM pass or fail. You can click on a record for detail.
July 5, 2024, Added addfolder api to group lists, messages or images.

June 2024 Updates

June 29, 2024, Added Insert RSS/Atom feed to template in the standard message editor. There is an RSS icon, when clicked you enter the feed url, number of entries and have two options when insert.
With Conditional Template language OFF
Grabs the current RSS/Atom feed and posts that html into the message. For you to format on your own.
With Conditional Template Language ON posts in the html our syntax which allows you to customize and grabs the live version of the RSS feed when the campaign is being sent. Example code below
{RSSFEED=} [# foreach($rssitems as $index =&gt; $rss) #]<br />
<b>[# $rss.title #]</b> [# $ #]<br />
[# $rss.description #]<br />
[# if ($ != &quot;&quot;) #]Link: <a href=”[# $ #]”>[# $ #]</a>[# endif #]<br />
<br />
[# endforeach #]

We also added, under View Messages – Options -> ReHost external images of selected email messages.
June 21, 2024, API updates: Added rehostimages option to addmessage and previewtext to addmessage and editmessage API, Added uploadimage API to allow uploading of images to image hosting, Added to getcampaigns and getcampaigndetail uniqueviews and uniqueclicks.
Fixed API testing area to handle file uploads. Added to createcampaign and editcampaign API the field replyto_email to set reply address, rotateprofiles parameter to allow rotating of profile ids separated by a comma when creating a campaign.
Added to getdomains API response fields: expiredate,https, bimi_url,dmarcpolicy,subdomainparentid
Added spamtrapserver and domainriskyarecord to listverify getlists and getliststatus API’s
June 19, 2024, Added option to Export messages/templates in bulk to a zip file under View Messages. Sped up checking of 404 images/links. Added folder select on add/edit/upload of messages.
June 5, 2024, Added option on email message upload to rehost all images in an uploaded html file. This will automatically move any external images from the html file to image hosting when that option is checked.
We also now automatically recode tracking links for mail chimp and constant contact and replace with the original link on uploaded email message html file.

System Updates May 2024

May 26, 2024, Updated our message score system to Spamassassin 4.0.x. Also, included a bunch of custom rules to help better detect possible filtering.
May 24, 2024, Conditional Template Language added for email marketing in the campaign system in either the html or text message part.
We support if/elseif/else and foreach,for,break,continue statements, along with user defined variables.

Some uses cases showing certain content based on email domain or different content based on a column inside the list.

For full details on syntax and how it works check out our FAQ under messages called “Conditional Template Language”
May 7, 2024, Added new columns to unsubscribe page. User Agent, IP address, and unsubscribe type. Which shows how the unsubscribed happened either campaign, smtp, email reply, fbl or user.
May 5, 2024, Out of office, auto replies and other replies that are sent to the return-path email address. Should be displayed in replies section. Delivery notifications are not shown and is based on keywords. Those delivery notifications will be processed in the background and email status updated based on the content.

Jan-March 2024 Velocity System Updates

March 1, 2024, Added option to control DMARC policy as either none, quarantine or reject. Reject is our default. The policy is set under Domains -> Settings. This is done on each domain name.
February 16, 2024, SMS P2P – Keyword automations, you can setup keywords that are found in a users text message reply and either send a follow-up text message, or unsubscribe the user. Two matches modes either by whole word or if it contains the keyword. You can also choose which sms campaigns it is enabled for or default all sms campaigns.
February 13, 2024, Email Replies under View Replies now have a link to download/view attachments

SMS P2P – Added survey/polling system on the create campaign screen, you can view the results of your poll/survey on the campaign detail page and get breakdowns for each question and answer.
February 3, 2024, Added support for .eml files for email message uploading.
February 2, 2024, Email Campaign Approval System added for end users. When enabled you have the option on create/edit campaign to approve/unapprove a campaign. Along with the option to provide a private sharable link to your client on the edit campaign screen. This link allows clients to leave feedback about the campaign and send test emails for the campaign. Then the client can also approve/sign off on the campaign.
This feature can be enabled under System Settings in the Email Marketing tab.
January 8, 2024, Added to the SMTP/Quick Email/Triggers logs on the stats page, the option to filter by date range. We also added the top 20 domains that were emailed to see total stats at a glance.
We now note the warmup emails next to the email type on the main page of the SMTP/Quick Email/Triggers logs.
.Net domains we are no longer registering due to increase prices coming Feb 1st and suggesting .com domains going forward.

2023 Year Recap and Updates

2023 gave us some new features. We rolled our AI Writer to all accounts. Launched P2P SMS for political campaigns and a ton of improvements to our email campaign system.

December 10, 2023, For the SMTP API added List-Unsubscribe header to outgoing emails. We also focused on improving some edge cases for reply capturing and unsubscribes.
November 18, 2023, Improvements made to SMTP/Trigger Logs area. Added more filtering options to breakdown by email/send status. New Sending Profile Information on the stats page gives a breakdown of emails sent per profile such as domain, IP, opens and clicks. Improved handling of large exports of data.
September 28, 2023, Domain renewals and purchases fees are now $17 a year for a domain. Due to Verisign increasing the fees for .com and .net last several years and they will continue in 2024.
September 25, 2023, Warmup emails should no longer be forwarded if you have email forwarding enabled. This will reduce unwanted emails.
June 28, 2023, API list page put the description of each API on the index page. For email replies captured we now detect the words remove/retired as unsubscribes.
May 26, 2023, AI Writer added to all accounts. Each account comes with free 20 credits for testing the different AI tools. Features option to do bulk jobs using csv files.
April 15, 2023, On the create/edit campaign page there is now an indicator called “Camps” on profile select of how many current campaigns under campaign status are using that profile, this includes any of the profile rotation features.
April 3, 2023, New email status code called “Domain Risky No A Record” we now check if domain has a DNS A record for the domain part of the email. We also check if a www. record if neither exists the email is marked “Domain Risky No A Record”. Based on our research the vast majority of spamtraps do not have any DNS a record setup for the domain. These are treated as a hard bounce once detected during sending.
March 9, 2023, For the drag editor editor we have now tied the image hosting section into the editor. When changing an image you can select the image hosting folder button and will display all the images from the image hosting section.

Main Platform Updates for past six months

March 5, 2023, Two new options when viewing a reply in the system. You can now forward a reply to email of your choice. We also added the option to add an email address to an existing suppression list or create a new suppression list with that email inside it.
February 24, 2023, Randomize list option added on list upload checked by default. This will automatically randomize your uploaded list.
For existing lists you can randomize them in the system when viewing inside a list click on the manage columns button then click the randomize list button. Note: you should only randomize an existing list if you have not sent a campaign to it yet.
December 10, 2022, API improvement webhooks now supported. We support the following types for webhooks: open,click,unsubscribe which will post back to a website address of your choice to process on your end. For more details check out the API section on webhooks.
November 30, 2022, Renamed View(s) to Open(s) in all spots to make it more consistent since sometimes we used the view term and other times open.
October 18, 2022, New Send Report. Shows total emails sent per day based on a date range. Defaults to current billing cycle. This report can be found either on dashboard linked on the number of emails sent. Or under Campaign Reports by clicking the Send Report button.
September 18, 2022, SMTP/API/Forwards/SingleEmails now have open/click logs which can be viewed and exported. Other improvements to those types of emails with better handling of personalization and open tracking.
September 14, 2022, Email replies can now be tagged. We have 11 different tag options that can be applied under view replies to an email received.

Mid Year Updates

June 16, 2022, Warmup email account system added. A warmup account helps get isp’s used to emails coming from your domain/IP, creates engagement opens/clicks, and moves warmup replies from junk folder to inbox to help build reputation.
Highly suggested to use a new domain, new IP that has not sent campaigns from your account before. This feature can be found in the sidebar under email marketing under Warmup Accounts.
May 25, 2022, Optimized very large open/click logs exports to download faster, this includes the full record option as well.
March 10, 2022, Email Marketing and List Verification change for handling missing MX records will now be marked as Server Not Found ,Bad DNS/MX. Previously if the MX record was missing we would lookup the A dns record for the domain. We have found in tests the vast majority of emails domains have MX records and the ones that did not were not valid sites. We did add a setting under System Settings called “Allow mailing domains without a MX record will use A record” if you wish to continue mailing domains that are missing mx records.
January 30, 2022, Two new system columns have been added inside each email list. First the soft bounce count column. This is a number that is increased if a soft bounce detected during a campaign that includes time out/blocked/mailbox full. The soft bounce count is reset if an email is delivered.
You could use the soft bounce column as a list condition such as if a contact hasn’t bounced x about of times then send to it.
The next column added is the “Last Status Update Time” this records the moment there is change/update for the email status. This is updated when a campaign is sent to the list.
January 23, 2022, Delivery changes: Better blocking of known spam trap mailservers which adds a new email status code Spam Trap Server. Added more suppressed domains for spamtraps based on research. And last make sure ehlo is used if using TLS encryption setting.
January 19, 2022, SMTP Credentials now offer a TLS connection option. Note: this uses a dedicated domain which is different from the sending domain as the host but it still sends from the email from domain that you choose.
January 15, 2022, Improvements to the reply system. Replies now come in real-time in the view replies section. Forwarding errors now include date/time in error log. Better handling of high number of connections/blocking of failed SMTP logins.

End of year! Start of new year 2022 Updates!

January 3, 2022, New major feature. We now support transactional emails via our SMTP credentials page.
Users can now tie in the system to send from their website/CRM system or third party tool using SMTP accounts supplied by us.

SMTP Credentials can be found under the “SMTP Credentials/Servers” in the sidebar.
Once enabled takes about 15 minutes for the system to setup the account. SMTP accounts still verify if emails are found in the unsubscribe list, suppression system, supports view tracking and automatically appends the unsubscribe footer to the text and html parts of the email.
Results for the SMTP emails can be found under “SMTP/Trigger Logs” in the sidebar
Currently does not yet support click tracking.
December 8, 2021, Changed how campaigns are sent. Campaigns now send as fast as the send speed is set. Before when a domain went to the retry queue the system would just skip that domain and move on to the next one. Now, we still skip the domain but just wait till it is time to send the next email. This should fix issues where the campaign sends too fast. The setting can be turned off though under System Settings -> “Time based Retry Mode” which goes back to the old way.
Also, changed if the system encounters the block reason STARTTLS we will now enable TLS (if not enabled) and try again to that email address.
November 24, 2021, Added Export CSV report of all list verify list jobs in the List Verify section. This feature can be found in the List Verify tab under View Lists clicking on the Options button

New Features And Updates

Couple of powerful new features added to the system include: Advanced Email Forwarding Rules , Multiuploader , ReplyTo. Full details below

November 7, 2021, Advanced Email Forwarding Rules – can now be found under domain settings. With this feature gives the ability to route different email from addresses to go to n forwarding email of your choice. This can be useful if you are running campaigns for different clients or sales reps. This can be done on a domain level or across all domains on the account.
November 5, 2021, Added a new Reply To email address setting on create campaign.This email address is displayed when a person clicks on reply to an email message. Benefits is that the reply goes directly to that email, which may work better than use a custom from address if you can not setup SPF records. The downsides is the reply email address is exposed in every email sent and that replies will not be captured by the system.
November 5, 2021, Multiuploader and drag and drop support for email lists and list verification lists. There is now an option on upload pages to drag drop file uploads and or select many lists at one time to import into the system. It copies over any settings you have already entered in on the upload page itself.
October 14, 2021, New feature on open and click log the option to export the list as a new list. Instead of having to export and reimport.
October 1, 2021, Drop down selecting a list, campaign, account, or domain name now have a search option. Which makes it easier to find the data item when dealing with large amounts of data.
September 29, 2021, Image Hosting section now has preview images for images. And a textbox to copy the link to the media image
September 21, 2021, Adding sub users now has the option to send login information.